Your Universal Credit payments may change over Christmas...

Universal Credit is paid on a monthly basis, after the initial payment. The date for when it is paid is changing for some people during December, due to the Christmas holidays.

Universal Credit payment is usually made into the claimant’s bank, building society or credit union account, and sometimes includes an amount for housing, therefore affecting landlords who receive housing costs directly.

Universal Credit is paid on the same date of every month, however, if this falls on a weekend or a bank holiday, then the claimant will be paid on the working day before.

With the festive period approaching, some people may wonder whether their benefits payments will be affected.

Some people may be due a payment on the 25th or 26th of the month, however in December, these dates will be bank holidays.

This means that the payment should be made on the first working day prior - the 24th.

Universal Credit payment dates over Christmas 2019

Payment due: Wednesday, December 25. Payment sent: Tuesday, December 24.

Payment due: Thursday, December 26. Payment sent: Tuesday, December 24.

Payment due: Saturday, December 28. Payment sent: Friday, December 27.

Payment due: Sunday, December 29. Payment sent: Friday, December 27.

Payment due: Wednesday, January 1. Payment sent: Tuesday, December 31.

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