
BBC Two’s three part-series into Universal Credit

On Tuesday 4th February we saw the first of BBC Two’s three-part series about ‘Universal Credit: Inside the Welfare State’. Universal Credit is the biggest overhaul of the welfare state in a generation. It was designed to simplify the benefits systems and encourage the unemployed into work.

UC recipients must report changes or risk payments stopping

Payments to those in receipt of Universal Credit vary from person to person to take into account individual circumstances which affect them. However, what many do not realise is that the slightest error cannot only impact a claimant financially, but cause difficulties later down the line. Therefore, it is important that if a claimant’s circumstances change at any point they inform Department for Work and Pensions as soon as possible.

Landlords unable to identify payments for UC tenants

Caridon Landlord Solutions is calling on The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to urgently address the changes to its payment system, which have left landlords unable to identify which housing cost payments of Universal Credit should be allocated to which tenants.

Universal Credit: Guidance for Landlords on APAs

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has published updated guidance for landlords with tenants in receipt of Universal Credit, providing information on Alternative Payment Arrangements for Universal Credit claimants who cannot manage their single monthly payment.

HMO Planning Changes in Croydon

From the 28th January 2020 a new Article 4 Direction comes into force in Croydon Borough. The effect of the Article 4 Direction will mean that the conversion of houses to a small HMO (up to 6 people) will require planning permission across the Borough.

CLS supports 'Legacy' Croydon young people into employment

Sherrelle Collman, Managing Director of Caridon Landlord Solutions and Mario Carrozzo, CEO of Caridon Group, have been supporting Legacy Youth Zone’s Employability Course to help young people in Croydon take their next steps into education, training and employment.